Conferences and training

Конструктор сессий – незаменимый помощник, когда стоит задача провести конференции, массовые тренинги, слеты, мероприятия, где есть сложная логистика, особая динамика большой группы, и поэтому очень важно организовать правильный и интересный процесс, вовлекающий всех в совместную деятельность и в общее поле смыслов.
A wide library of faclitation methods
You can easily find any methods and tools necessary for your conference or training event.
Use filters to find the best option by time, number of people and stages and the session type.
Mark your best methods as Favorites &ndash and you will be able to find them easily.
Add new methods into your personal library and make them publicly available.
You can find the best tasks and methods and create an effective process.
Flexible session formats and tables
For large conferences, you can design parallel flows of events with different activities.
When using the Table format, add more columns if you need to include more data, i.e. Results, Resources, Facilitator …
When saving the PDF file or printing the design out, you can choose the print area. With this option, you can use the format you are accustomed to and structure information the way you need.
Flexible session formats and tables
For large conferences, you can design parallel flows of events with different activities.
When using the Table format, add more columns if you need to include more data, i.e. Results, Resources, Facilitator …
When saving the PDF file or printing the design out, you can choose the print area. With this option, you can use the format you are accustomed to and structure information the way you need.
A convenient way to design and edit sessions
Withe the Session design Kit, you will both save your time while preparing and create fantastic events.
While designing, you can drag blocks or methods from one day to another, from the «old» session to the new and dublicate your designs. You can edit time, and the time will be changed through the whole session.
Design and configure a session in a team
The Session Design Kit is suitable for online teamwork (with the team or the client staff) when designing a conference. Invite users or share PDF, WORD and EXCEL files. Give access to the observer or editor and exchange comments in a chat.
Design and configure a session in a team
The Session Design Kit is suitable for online teamwork (with the team or the client staff) when designing a conference. Invite users or share PDF, WORD and EXCEL files. Give access to the observer or editor and exchange comments in a chat.